Whitney Kayla Bailey
July 11, 2022
May 13, 1989
Whitney Kayla Bailey, 33, of Oakman, was involved in a fatal accident on the morning of Monday, July 11, 2022. Whitney graduated from Shelton State College with a Radiation Therapy degree. To know Whitney was to love her. She loved helping others and adored her sweet yorkie, Keely, who was also harmed in the accident. Whitney spent most of her time with her family, friends, and helping every person she could. Whitney dedicated her life to serving the Lord and fully embodied the light of Christ in everything she did or said. She was very active in working with the Mercy Project within the Walker County Sheriff's Department. Whitney's heart and soul went into helping and ministering the people of the Mercy Project. Whitney Kayla Bailey will be missed for eternity and her light will shine forever. Whitney had a strong desire to change the stigma people have about drug addiction. Whitney had resilience. Her life was full of sickness, but she did not know how to quit. She lived with severe Lupus, Cataplexy, and heart disease. Her determination prevailed. Her ultimate dream was to build a rehab center. She absolutely gave it her best. If you never knew her, you missed a blessing. "I would rather be poor on earth and have a crown in heaven" - Whitney Kayla Bailey. She was preceded in death by her father, Jason Bailey; and grandparents, Roger and Janice Bailey. She is survived by her mother, Wendy Henderson; grandparents, Billy and Paulette Randolph; her brothers, Nick Bailey and his family, Austin Vance, and his family Jake Vance and his family; sister, Hannah Bryan and her family; aunt and uncle, Chad and Amber Randolph; and her significant other, Austin Townsend; nieces and nephews, Scobie. Visitation will be held at Wilson Funeral Home on Thursday, July 14, 2022 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A graveside service will be Friday, July 15, 2022 at 11 a.m. at Walker Memory Gardens. Wilson Funeral Home & On-Site Crematory LLC; 205-924-4147