Lyle's Mom Denise Smith
May 28, 2024
Jan. 1, 1966
“Lyle’s Mom” Denise Smith It is with deep sadness and broken hearts that we announce the passing of Lyle Guthrie’s mom, Denise on May 28, 2024. Her greatest joy in life was being Lyle’s mom. Lyle was her life, her everything, he was her world, just like she was Lyle’s world, those words he had written in cards he gave her throughout his life. She had no way of knowing that those precious cards from Lyle would give her strength to fight for her only child, her baby Lyle. Lyle was only 33 years old when he was murdered on September 22, 2016, shot multiple times while in his truck, by two men robbing his house. Lyle couldn’t survive the severe damage done to his body by the multiple 45 caliber bullets. Lyle’s mom passed away with Lyle, but the skeletal body of Lyle’s mom was all that was left. So, she fought for Lyle, for justice, she fought anyone that got in her way. She never stopped fighting, but her body as well as her willpower couldn’t hold up to the 6 years it took to put the killers in prison. She kept her promise to Lyle to fight for him even though she died with Lyle, she held on as long as she needed to fight for justice. The case was finally over when the last killer was sentenced in October 2022. Finally, she could go home to be with Lyle. She waited for him to come get her. Lyle came to get her on May 28, 2024, to take her to be with him. Now, she is finally with her baby Lyle. Her love and devotion to Lyle never wavered. Now her screams, tears, constant searching for Lyle, and the punishment she did to herself because she thought she deserved to suffer for not saving Lyle…. All of that is over now she is with her baby Lyle, what she has always wanted. Lyle’s mom is preceded in death by her son, Lyle Guthrie; her parents, Jim and Liz Blackwell; her husband, Dr. Donald Smith; and all her precious fur babies that kissed her tears away after she lost her son and husband. She lost each of her fur babies one by one until she was all alone. She is survived by her sister, Michelle Blackwell; granddaughters, Camille Guthrie and Lexi Guthrie; nephew, Colt Black (Emma); and niece, Hollie Black.