Baby Mattie Wilson
Feb. 27, 2024
Feb. 27, 2024
Baby Mattie Grace Wilson, was born sleeping on February 27, 2024 at Walker Baptist Medical Center, Jasper, Alabama. A graveside service will be held on Saturday March 2, 2024 at 2:00 P.M. in the Carbon Hill Memorial Garden, Brother Rodney Thompson will be officiating the service.
Mattie Grace is preceded in death by her Great grandparents, Billy and Shelby Wilson, also William Parker (PawPaw Pete) her cousin Krimson Courington, and her sibling baby Wilson.
She is survived by her parent’s Matthew and Ronna Wilson; big sister, Olivia Rose; grandparents, Ronnie and Lacy Parker (Pop-Pop & MiMi); Shane and Angie Wilson (Pop & GiGi); Mark and Joanna Jordan (Papi Mark & Nana); Great Grandparents, Shirley Parker (Maw-Maw Fuddy); Charles and Mary Harper (PawPaw Wayne & Maw-Maw Wayne); Walter and Joye Chappell (PawPaw W.J. & Maw Maw Joye ); aunts, Shanna & Hannah Wilson (Jamie); cousins, Piper Courington; Jayce and Liam Martin; and a host of other relatives and dear friends.