Sheila Ann Woodley
Aug. 21, 2023
Sheila Ann Woodley, at the age of 76, went home to be with the Lord on August 21st, 2023 surrounded by family. In the bible, in James 4:14, the word says “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” Sheila lived a full, joyful life with many adventures, lots of love, laughter and happiness. Her journey of health issues began and then came quickly to a close like that vapor. She loved her family, so many friends and she loved the Lord. Her life was an example of what loving people and Jesus means. She had many trials on her journey of life with losing husbands, her parents (Othel and Elsie Cordes), a brother (Steven) and her son, Bryan. But there were many blessings that she didn’t take for granted. Sheila was married as a young lady to Alvin Grace, and had 2 sons, Bruce (Darlene) and Bryan (Lenita). She later married Leon Woodley and had her 3rd son, Kevin. From those marriages came her daughter-in-laws, grandchildren, Caleb (Payton), Austin (Mackenzie), Evan (Kaitlyn, fiance’), Ethan, Cameron, Cheyann and Kolton as well as 2 great grands, Era and Gracie . Sheila has a twin brother Sherron, sisters Cynthia, Sara Jo and Sandra that have some amazing memories of her and will forever hold those in their hearts. In addition to her immediate family there is a host of extended family that was a huge part of her life as well. In these past few days, her family and friends sat around her bedside laughing, crying, reminiscing, and singing. She would have wanted nothing more than to be in the presence of her family and friends as she was journeying to her heavenly father. A celebration of life service for Sheila will be held at a later date.