Kristin Kilgore
March 10, 2023
Nov. 7, 1987
A loving soul has passed through this life as of March 10, 2023 at 5:04pm. Having just recently developed medical problems, she passed away at the age of 35. Kristin Kilgore was preceded in death by both sets of her grandparents, Pauline & Lester Smith and Nan and Bradley Kilgore. More recently her aunt, Barbara Ann Smith; older sister, Miranda Kilgore and two of her cousins, Jody and Jimmy Wakefield. Kristin is survived by her parents, Janie and Tony Kilgore, her "wombmate"/ twin sister, Paulina "PJ" Kilgore; her aunt, Sue Wakefield and her cousins, Jodie Wakefield and Kyler Kilgore. Kristin Honestly had so much to deliver to the world, and was capable of brighten the day for whose lucky enough even get to smile for a moment in her presence. She loved her family and stayed loyal. She had so much love to give, absolutely adored animals and taking care of others. Surelym you can imagine her at the rainbow bridge crossing over seeing all the loved ones ranging from fur babies to family and friends.